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Strength of Materials Supplement for Power Engineering
This work complements the Applied Strength of Materials for Engineering Technology by Barry Dupen and is used in teaching Strength of Materials to Power Engineering students.
Marine Propulsion Plant Simulator
The broader theoretical concepts that students learn in the classroom are better understood by them if they carry out pre-programmed hands on exercises in the Engine simulator, as sometimes the subject textbooks or videos don’t address these concepts directly. The primary purpose of this project was to design and develop simulator lab exercises (SIM LABS) that could be used as ancillary resources for all Propulsion plant simulator courses as well as Engineering knowledge courses. Propulsion plant simulator course Instructors have limited time to lecture on the basic concepts of engineering and yet have to offer practical operational skills to our students, so having many pre-programmed SIM LABS which students can load and work on their own time would help them to practice and enhance their understanding of the systems and prepare them to handle various malfunctions in the plant in a timely and safe manner.
Introduction to Drafting and AutoCAD 3D
The AutoCAD 3D eBook was written as a tool to guide and teach you to master AutoCAD. No two students learn at the same pace, therefore the eBooks were written with competency-based modules. The competency-based modules are bite-size pieces that allows you to work at your own pace. They can be used to learn by distance education, correspondence, online, instructor-lead classes, or by individuals teaching themselves to use AutoCAD in their own home or office. This eBook was designed to be used on AutoCAD software that was designed for the Windows operating system. An editable, Pressbooks version of this textbook is under development.
General Engineering Open Texts
AutoCAD 3D eBook, Autodesk Inventor eBook, AutoCAD 2D eBook, Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers, and more.
Sim Labs for Thermodynamics and Thermal Power Plant Simulator
This Simulator laboratory (SIMLAB) book was created to provide ancillary resources for Thermodynamics and Thermal Power Plant Simulator courses. It is intended to act as a collection of exercises to help our students merge the theory covered in the classroom with the practice performed in the labs.
An Introduction to Solving Engineering Problems with MATLAB
MATLAB is a programming language used by several computational packages known as m-file environments. This text introduces freshman engineering students to problem solving using an m-file environment.
Inorganic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers
This open access book has been specifically adapted for CHEM 250, an interdisciplinary inorganic chemistry course at UBC-V, for Chemical Engineering students. The main objective of this book is to introduce students to the basic principles of inorganic chemistry and link them with current applications relevant to a chemical engineer. It is a comprehensive online resource for 2nd year undergraduate students everywhere as it will be available under the creative commons license and will be widely available in OER catalogues.
Notes on Diffy Qs: Differential Equations for Engineers
A first course on differential equations, aimed at engineering students. The prerequisite for the course is the basic calculus sequence. This free online book (OER more formally) should be usable as a stand-alone textbook or as a companion to a course using another book such as Edwards and Penney, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling or Boyce and DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (section correspondence to these two is given). There is enough material to run a two-quarter course, and even a two-semester sequence depending on lecturer speed.
Embedded Controllers using C and Arduino
This text introduces embedded controller systems using the inexpensive and widely available Arduino hardware platform and the C programming language. It is intended for students in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Technology programs at the Associate and Baccalaureate levels. Unlike many Arduino texts, this text does not rely solely on the Arduino libraries. Rather, it “gets under the hood” and directly accesses I/O ports, pins and DDR, as would be expected in a traditional college level microprocessor/microcontroller course. The companion laboratory manual introduces embedded controller systems using the Arduino hardware platform and the C programming language. Exercises include usage of seven-segment displays, switches and analog input devices; a reaction timer; PWM; an event counter and an arbitrary waveform generator.
Open Engineering Titles
Open texts on civil engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and more.
Open Education Resources
Engineering Curriculum Project
In Spring 2019, BCcampus was asked by the Ministry of Advanced Education,
Skills and Training to assist with a project concerning B.C. institutions delivering
engineering programs who want to move to a common first-year curriculum.
The project was initiated by the Engineering Articulation Committee and led by
Brian Dick of Vancouver Island University. The work conducted to determine the
feasibility of a common first-year curriculum was initially funded through a grant
from the B.C. Council on Admissions and Transfer. 11 BC institutions are currently participating in this initiative.
Sustainable Construct Management Technologies
Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order - 3rd Edition
This book is organized around the fifteen lessons of a Technical Project Management course, with an emphasis on the connections between the various stages and practices of technical project management. After all, in practice, a project manager must continually draw on a wide base of knowledge, connecting, for instance, effective negotiating techniques with best practices for scheduling and resource allocation. No phase of a project unfolds in complete isolation from other phases of the project. Everything is connected. Our goal in this book is to create doors and windows in the normally self-contained silos of activities involved in technical project management, drawing connections between planning and risk management, between risk management and ethics, between ethics and supply chain management, just to name a few of the many connections you will read about in this book.
Water Engineering Technologies (WET)
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