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Open Textbooks
An Electrician's Guide to Single Phase Transformers
Being able to step voltages to a higher value and step voltages down to a lower value is one of the benefits of alternating current. This book will explain how this is possible through transformers with a focus on single phase.
Basic Electricity
To safely work with electricity, it is important to have a grasp of the basic theories. Whether we are talking about atomic structure, electrical terms, or measurement devices, understanding the theory of electricity is a key concept. This textbook, divided into three sections, provides easy-to-understand and enjoyable lessons on atomic structure, electrical units, and measurement devices for those training and working as electricians.
Trigonometry and single phase AC generation for electricians
This book discusses the topics of trigonometry, vectors and AC generation in relations to electrical theory. To have a good grasp of electrical theory it is important to have a grasp of trigonometry. Whether we are talking about single phase or polyphase power, trigonometry is a key concept. The first part of this textbook will look at one of the most basic parts of trigonometry, the triangle. Vectors are something that contains magnitude and direction. This is a concept that will continue to follow you throughout your electrical training.
Line E - Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-4: Use Multimeters
Whether you choose to work in an electrical trade, a mechanical trade, or one of the construction trades, you will probably be faced with using and/or maintaining a variety of electrical measuring instruments. This Competency will introduce you to three basic meters for measuring voltage, current, and resistance. You must have a basic understanding of the purpose and operation of each type of meter before you attempt to use one. If you connect a meter incorrectly, you not only risk damaging the instrument, but more importantly, you or some innocent bystander could receive a serious electrical shock.The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. E-1 Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity, E-2 Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols, E-3 Explain Wiring Connections, E-4 Use Multimeters. Special thanks to CAPER-BC ( for creating the audio recording for each Competency.
Line E - Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-3: Explain Wiring Connections
It is important for you to be familiar with techniques for soldering electrical connections and how to use wireless connectors. For example, the ends of the finely stranded wires used for power supply cords on most portable power tools are soldered to permit a long-lasting, troublefree connection. Solder also produces secure, durable electrical connections for switches, plugs, and tools. Wireless connectors are commonly used in many electrical applications because they are quick and easy to use.The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. E-1 Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity, E-2 Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols, E-3 Explain Wiring Connections, E-4 Use Multimeters. Special thanks to CAPER-BC ( for creating the audio recording for each Competency.
Line E - Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-2: Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols
Many types of electric devices are used in almost every trade. Mechanical trades will find electrical devices in every motor-driven vehicle. Construction trades will encounter them in most construction projects. To be able to recognize or troubleshoot electrical devices, you must be familiar with the correct terminology and symbols used to identify them. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. E-1 Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity, E-2 Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols, E-3 Explain Wiring Connections, E-4 Use Multimeters.
Line E - Electrical Fundamentals Competency E-1: Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity
You will use electricity daily. Vehicles and machinery are started and often operated by electricity. Electric tools make the performance of your job easier and more efficient. However, to use electricity safely and effectively, it is important to understand electricity’s terminology and principles.The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. E-1 Describe the Basic Principles of Electricity, E-2 Identify Common Circuit Components and Their Symbols, E-3 Explain Wiring Connections, E-4 Use Multimeters.
Basic Motor Control
This readily accessible online resource was developed for anyone who has interest in, or works with, AC motors and their associated motor control equipment. Whether you are an electrical apprentice learning about the subject in school or a seasoned journeyperson installing equipment in the field, you will find it easy to navigate through the descriptive text, original diagrams, and explanatory videos to find the exact information you are looking for.
General Trades
Line A - Safe Work Practices Competency A-1: Control Workplace Hazards
Safety is a part of the job. When you take a job, you have a safety obligation to your employer, co-workers, family, and yourself. By recognizing and understanding the hazards in your work area, you can prevent the occurrence of many accidents. Most accidents are preventable. Both employees and employers must take responsibility for making the workplace safe. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line A Books include: A-1 Control Workplace Hazards, A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations, A-3 Handle Hazardous Materials Safely, A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices, A-5 Describe Fire Safety.
Line A - Safe Work Practices Competency A-2: Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations
In most provinces, one or more agencies are responsible for safe, healthful working environments at job sites. These organizations normally have names such as the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) or the Occupational Health and Safety Department. WorkSafeBC is the provincial organization that promotes workplace health and safety for workers and employers in BC. When a work-related injury, disease, or death occurs, WorkSafeBC collaborates with those involved to provide return-to-work rehabilitation, health-care benefits, compensation, and a range of other services. WorkSafeBC also consults with and educates employers and workers on safe work practices. This includes monitoring workplaces within its jurisdiction. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line A Books include: A-1 Control Workplace Hazards, A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations, A-3 Handle Hazardous Materials Safely, A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices, A-5 Describe Fire Safety.
Line A - Safe Work Practices Competency A-3: Handle Hazardous Materials Safely
Workers exposed to hazardous materials may be at risk for many serious health problems, such as kidney or lung damage, sterility, cancer, allergic reactions, or burns. Some hazardous materials can also cause fires or explosions. Legislation and regulations are in place to reduce injuries or diseases caused by exposure to hazardous materials used in the workplace. Every person working with or near controlled products has the right to know the hazards and how to safely use the products. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line A Books include: A-1 Control Workplace Hazards, A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations, A-3 Handle Hazardous Materials Safely, A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices, A-5 Describe Fire Safety.
Line A - Safe Work Practices Competency A-4: Describe Personal Safety Practices
These Learning Tasks describe the clothing and protective equipment workers must wear on the job site and the safety precautions they must take to protect themselves and others from injury. Special personal protective equipment (PPE) is required on the job site. The equipment used will depend on the hazards anticipated. When working at elevations, significant hazards are present and fall protection is normally required. Knowing the hazards allows workers to select methods to reduce the hazard and prevent injury. Workers often lift and move heavy and awkward objects. Failure to follow proper lifting procedures can cause serious and permanent back damage. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line A Books include: A-1 Control Workplace Hazards, A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations, A-3 Handle Hazardous Materials Safely, A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices, A-5 Describe Fire Safety.
Line A - Safe Work Practices Competency A-5: Describe Fire Safety
As a trades worker you have a responsibility to work safely, and fire prevention is a primary concern. Many of the work tasks you carry out include the application of heat and flame. You should be able to apply fire prevention practices, identify fire causes, and identify and apply fire extinguishing agents to control or extinguish a fire. You are not expected to be an expert firefighter, but you may have to deal with a fire to protect your safety and the safety of others. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line A Books include: A-1 Control Workplace Hazards, A-2 Describe WorkSafeBC Regulations, A-3 Handle Hazardous Materials Safely, A-4 Describe Personal Safety Practices, A-5 Describe Fire Safety.
Line B - Employability Skills Competency B-1: Apply Study and Learning Skills
Every learner has different abilities, backgrounds, and life experiences. Some individuals will be entering a trades program directly from high school as part of a dual-credit program or youth initiative and have limited experience outside of the classroom. Others may have been out ofthe formal education system for a number of years, but bring valuable years of work experience into the classroom. Regardless of where you are starting from, integral to your success in postsecondary education is developing effective study and learning skills. Time spent on these learning tasks will increase the effectiveness of time spent on all other learning tasks in your training program. In addition, the techniques that you choose to adopt and the effective study routine that you develop will benefit you in lifelong learning, be it formal or informal, at school, on the job, or for your own personal interest. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line B – Employability Skills. B-1 Apply Study and Learning Skills, B-2 Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees, B-3 Use Interpersonal Communication Skills, B-4 Describe the Apprenticeship System.
Line B - Employability Skills Competency B-2: Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees
As you enter the workforce, it is important to understand the major trends in employment and how to find this information. In this Competency, we’ll look some of the current major trends in employment in Canada and British Columbia. This review includes an overview of the economy, skills that employers look for, and employee expectations. We’ll also look at employee expectations and effective strategies for entering the labour market and finding a job. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line B – Employability Skills. B-1 Apply Study and Learning Skills, B-2 Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees, B-3 Use Interpersonal Communication Skills, B-4 Describe the Apprenticeship System.
Line B - Employability Skills Competency B-3: Use Interpersonal Communication Skills
No matter what your job is, you will need to communicate with other people. Your communication skills determine how successfully you receive and transmit information. Communication is arguably the most important of all life skills and plays a significant role in all aspects of work and home life. Communication is verbal, written, and non-verbal, and every gesture, voice inflection, or facial movement speaks volumes and conveys information to others. An effective communicator is also an active listener. Employers actively seek out Individuals who are good communicators. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line B – Employability Skills. B-1 Apply Study and Learning Skills, B-2 Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees, B-3 Use Interpersonal Communication Skills, B-4 Describe the Apprenticeship System.
Line B - Employability Skills Competency B-4: Describe the Apprenticeship System
This Competency provides the information necessary for you to understand the trades training system and how to explore any trades you may be interested in. Careers in the trades can be highly rewarding. Forecast shortages in skilled trades mean that there will be significant opportunities for new workers to enter many of the trades. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line B – Employability Skills. B-1 Apply Study and Learning Skills, B-2 Describe Expectations and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees, B-3 Use Interpersonal Communication Skills, B-4 Describe the Apprenticeship System.
Line C - Tools and Equipment Competency C-1: Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses
Hand tools are used in almost every trade, but many of them have particular applications in a specific trade. It is likely you have used some of these tools already at work, at school, or at home, but this may be the first time you have had the chance to study some of the tools’ designs and applications in detail. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line C – Tools and Equipment. C-1 Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses, C-2 Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses, C-3 Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment, C-4 Describe Ladders and Platforms.
Line C - Tools and Equipment Competency C-2: Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses
Power tools play a major role in virtually every trade. You will be expected to be familiar with a wide range of portable and stationary power tools and to understand the safe operation of these tools. Proper maintenance improves the life and performance of the tool. Correct set-up and operating procedures ensure good results and prevent injury. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line C – Tools and Equipment. C-1 Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses, C-2 Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses, C-3 Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment, C-4 Describe Ladders and Platforms. Special thanks to CAPER-BC ( for creating the audio recording for each Competency.
Line C - Tools and Equipment Competency C-3: Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment
Rigging loads for lifting requires the use of various hardware items. Knowing how to correctly select, inspect, and assemble of each of these items is critical to a safe lift. To effectively use ropes in a work setting requires that you become familiar with several types of ropes, knots, bends, and hitches. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line C – Tools and Equipment. C-1 Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses, C-2 Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses, C-3 Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment, C-4 Describe Ladders and Platforms.
Line C - Tools and Equipment Competency C-4: Describe Ladders and Work Platforms
n this Competency you will learn about some of the common equipment used for performing work at elevated locations. The safe use of ladders and scaffolds is required in all types of jobs. A safely built scaffold provides a stable platform for workers to complete their work. The Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation has set minimum standards for erecting and using ladders and work platforms.The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line C – Tools and Equipment. C-1 Describe Common Hand Tools and Their Uses, C-2 Describe Common Power Tools and Their Uses, C-3 Describe Rigging and Hoisting Equipment, C-4 Describe Ladders and Platforms.
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-1: Solve Trades Mathematical Problems
Essential skills are used in every job to varying degrees and at different levels of complexity. They provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve in their jobs and adapt to changes in the workplace. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects. Special thanks to CAPER-BC ( for creating the audio recording for each Competency.
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-2: Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications
This Competency introduces the basic principles governing the structure and the behaviour of solids, liquids, and gases. You will look at the effects forces have on objects and the basic machines that transmit a force. You will also examine the effects of thermal and electrical energy. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-3: Read Drawings and Specifications
Some of the most important documents used in the workplace are the technical drawings, diagrams, and schematics that specify how fabrication and construction tasks will be carried out, or describe the composition and assembly of equipment. One of the essential skills for anyone involved in a trade is the ability to correctly interpret drawings. If you are in a construction or fabrication industry, you will need to be able to examine a drawing, take information from it, and visualize the finished product. If you are in a service or maintenance industry, you will need to interpret exploded drawings in order to properly repair or assemble equipment. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects.
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-4: Use Codes, Regulations and Standards
Codes, regulations, standards, specifications, and recommended practices are used in all aspects of construction, fabrication, manufacturing, and inspection. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects.
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-5: Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation
Document use is one of the nine essential skills identified by the Government of Canada to be successful in the workplace. It refers to the skills needed to find, enter, and use letters, numbers, symbols, and images in electronic and paper form. In the trades, people use document literacy skills to find and enter information in forms, lists, tables, graphs, maps, and drawings. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects.
Line D - Organizational Skills Competency D-6: Plan Projects
Every job is different and may have special requirements. Anticipating these requirements and planning accordingly is vital to ensuring that you have the materials, tools, and time to complete the job. To do this effectively you will need to have a clear understanding of the overall job. You will need to know what materials are required and be able to record organized and accurate notes on the time and materials used when the job is complete. Planning ahead saves time and money and makes a job more profitable. Effectively managing time and resources, including materials, and keeping detailed notes is very important whether you are working for another company or on your own. It allows your company to be more competitive and also provides a good base for estimating the costs of similar jobs in the future. The following list of lines and competencies was generated with the goal of creating an entry-level trades training resource, while still offering the flexibility for lines to be used as stand-alone books. Line D – Organizational Skills. D-1 Solve Trades Mathematical Problems, D-2 Apply Science Concepts to Trades Applications, D-3 Read Drawings and Specifications, D-4 Use Codes, Regulations, and Standards, D-5 Use Manufacturer and Supplier Documentation, D-6 Plan Projects.
Math for Trades: Volume 1
The Math for Trades: Volume 1 textbook represents the building blocks for math training. The book includes whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents. The material is presented from a trades perspective with easy-to-understand examples and video explanations accompanying questions. The goal of this volume is to get students prepared for the more advanced topics that they will encounter during their trades math education.
Entrepreneurial Leadership for the Trades
This book has been broken down into two categories. Leadership and Business. You will need to learn both to be successful. We started with leadership as everything rises or falls with leadership and leading yourself is the most important step in learning to lead others. We finish off with some basic business concepts. Get these foundational pieces right will be essential for the rest of what you build. You and your business will be that much stronger because of it.
Open Pedagogy in the Trades
Open Pedagogy in the Trades: Instructor Resource contains a bank of activities and projects to integrate with your course curriculum and use with your students immediately. All the activities are adaptable to any trade or ITA line item, and most will work for in-person and remote learning modalities. Adopting open pedagogy will lead to more engaged and invested students and richer learning outcomes.
OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors
The "OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors: Adopting an Open Education Resource & Integrating it into a Trades Course" illustrates a snapshot of the OER adoption process. This Toolkit is designed to answer questions posed by BC Trades instructors specifically, but the steps described will also support similar projects in other disciplines and programs. The Toolkit is presented in the form of a (possible) case study, which is based on questions and issues shared by Trades instructors from three BC post-secondary institutions: Camosun College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, and University of the Fraser Valley. OER Toolkit for Trades Instructors includes a quick reference guide of definitions, summary of a sample course, a step-by-step guide to implementing course revisions and OER adoption, links to external resources, a sample module and a range of best practice examples. Following three phases of an adoption process (Phase – Take stock; Phase 2 – Make a plan; Phase 3 – Adopt and evaluate), the Toolkit also explores the motivation of the user and why instructors adopt OERs.
General Manufacturing TItles
Includes titles on blueprint reading, fundamentals of drawings, layout procedures for metals, and more.
Culinary Arts
Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management
Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills.
Working in the Food Service Industry
Workplace Safety in the Foodservice Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills. Workplace Safety covers British Columbia legislation and regulations for workplace safety, as well as an overview of general safety practices in commercial kitchens and other workplaces in the foodservice industry. Other books in the series include: Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene Working in the Food Service Industry Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management Meat Cutting and Processing Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques
Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques
Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s food service and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook and Baker programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and there for can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in food service skills.
Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker
This book is intended to give students a basic understanding of the various types and uses of ingredients used in the baking industry, and how certain ingredients, in particular grains and flours are produced, graded and processed in Canada. Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s food service and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook and Baker programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in food service skills. Other books in the series include: Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene Working in the Food Service Industry Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry Meat Cutting and Processing Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management The series has been developed collaboratively with participation from public and private post-secondary institutions.
Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker
This book is intended to give students a basic understanding of nutritional information and labelling in the baking industry. In particular, there is a focus on Canadian regulations regarding labelling and merchandising of baked goods, as well as baking for customers with special diets, allergies, and intolerances. Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s food service and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook and Baker programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in food service skills.
Meat Cutting and Processing for Food Service
This book is intended to give students a basic understanding of the various types of meat and poultry used in the food service industry, and of how the terminology used by retail, wholesale, and food service customers varies. Meat cutting for restaurants and hotels differs slightly from meat cutting for retail. Restaurants and hotels sometimes use names of cuts on menus that are common in the kitchen vernacular or in other jurisdictions like Europe or the United States, while retail meat cutters are bound by Canadian regulations regarding labelling and marketing of meat products to consumers for retail. Meat Cutting and Processing for Food Service is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s food service and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook and Baker programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in food service skills.
Essential Skills Companion Kit for Culinary Arts Trades Training
The Essential Skills Companion Kit to Culinary Arts Trades Training was developed to complement technical Culinary Arts Trades Training. The various activity sets are designed to reinforce academic information that students are required to know during their training. The Content Experts provided the Curriculum Development Team with themes and the curriculum was created to practice Essential Skills such as Reading Text, Document Use, Thinking Skills, Oral Communication and Working with Others.
Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene
Food Safety, Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene is one of a series of Culinary Arts open textbooks developed to support the training of students and apprentices in British Columbia’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Although created with the Professional Cook, Baker and Meatcutter programs in mind, these have been designed as a modular series, and therefore can be used to support a wide variety of programs that offer training in foodservice skills. Other books in the series include: Basic Kitchen and Food Service Management Working in the Food Service Industry Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry Meat Cutting and Processing Human Resources in the Food Service and Hospitality Industry Nutrition and Labelling for the Canadian Baker Understanding Ingredients for the Canadian Baker Modern Pastry and Plated Dessert Techniques The series has been developed collaboratively with participation from public and private post-secondary institutions.
Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry
Workplace Safety in the Food Service Industry is one of a series of Culinary Arts books developed to support the training of students and apprentices in BC’s foodservice and hospitality industry. Your health and well-being are your most valuable possessions. Many laws and regulations exist to ensure employee safety, yet every year thousands of serious injuries occur. In many cases, these injuries have serious long-term consequences for both employees and employers. For those new to the workforce, or working in the foodservice industry for the first time, having a solid understanding of both the rights and responsibilities of the employer and employee and training in how to operate safely in the workplace are the keys to minimizing the risk of a workplace injury.
Cross Connection Control for Plumbing and Piping Trades: Plumber Apprenticeship Program Level 3
This manual is as part of your third year of apprenticeship training program you must have completed your level 1 and level 2 training to be eligible for this level of training in cross connection control. If you pass the theory and practical portion of this third year and your fourth year training during your apprenticeship training and pass your Red Seal Interprovincial examinations, you will be issued a Red Seal Certificate of Qualification. This Red Seal endorsement entitles you to work anywhere in Canada in your trade without material additional training, experience, examinations or assessments. Refer to labour mobility guidelines 2009
Basic HVAC
This readily accessible online introductory resource was developed for anyone who has interest in, or works with, HVAC controls and equipment. Designed for electrical and HVAC apprentices learning about the subject in school, you will find the descriptive text and original diagrams easy to navigate through, while the question bank will help students review the subject matter covered in each section.
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