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Adult Upgrading English 012 - Hamlet

LibGuide to assist Adult Upgrading English 012 in completing their Hamlet Research Assignment.

The Elizabethan Context

Hamlet was written near the end of Elizabeth I's reign.

Renaissance was underway, marking the transition from the Middle Ages to the beginning of a modern era.

  • Universities were shifting from non-secular (religiously controlled) to secular institutions, intent on preparing their students for a civilized life of culture, civility, and concern for society's public affairs.

  • Have you considered why Shakespeare had Hamlet attend Wittenberg University and be summoned home?

The population of England and Ireland was estimated to be 5.5 million. London's population was estimated to be 250,000.

The language in which Shakespeare wrote is referred to as "Early Modern English" (1500 - 1750). 

The English Reformation significantly influenced Shakespeare and the English. It resulted in great turmoil and loss of life. 

Henry VIII, in 1527, requested an annulment of his marriage, but Pope Clement VII refused. In response, the Reformation Parliament (1529–1536) passed laws abolishing papal authority in England. Henry VIII became the head of the Church of England. 

After Henry VIII's death, Queen Mary I, assumed the throne. Previously, she had been declared illegitimate under the Act of Succession 1533. A devout Roman Catholic, she attempted to reestablish Roman Catholicism as the official religion of England.   

Mary died childless in 1558.

Elizabeth I assumed the Crown in 1558; she died childless in 1603. 

The people of England were concerned about the royal succession

On the death of Elizabeth I, the succession was peaceful --  but it wouldn't last.

James VI of Scotland became James I of England. James's mother was Mary Queen of Scots. Elizabeth imprisoned her for 19 years and then executed her for treason. 

In his first address to the Westminster Parliament on March 19, 1604, James I made it clear that henceforth England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland would be a United Kingdom known to the World as Great Britain.   

James I died in 1625. He was succeeded by his son Charles I, who, after a period of great Turmoil, was executed by beheading on January 30, 1649.  

Arranged marriages among royals were common.

Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his older brother, Arthur, Prince of Wales. Catherine's marriage to Henry VIII was annulled. She was the mother of Mary I.

Mary I was wed to Philip II of Spain (famous for sending the Spanish Armada). 

James I's wife was Anne of Denmark.

Many People during Elizabethan times believed in Ghosts.

  • Roman Catholic dogma included the concept of purgatory, while Protestant dogma did not.

Espionage "Lawful Espials" was a normal part of English society, especially at court. It remains an activity undertaken to this day in both life and culture.  

Remember there is a great deal of speculation surrounding Shakespeare and Hamlet 

Recommended Sources

What Did Shakespeare English Sound Like

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