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New OCtopus User Interface

A quick guide to upcoming changes to OCtopus search

New Look for OCtopus Search (2024)

The OCtopus Search Interface Has a New Look

What to expect?

The user interface for EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), also known as OCtopus at Okanagan College, has been overhauled. EBSCO has conducted comprehensive user testing and is confident that the new interface better reflects student search habits and expectations. There have been no changes in the content made available by OCtopus, but there are a number of new features such as project management dashboards and a simplified results screen that will be different than previous OCtopus experiences.

Please note that resources saved in custom folders and saved searches will not be migrated. Unfortunately, EBSCO is not able to provide details as to which specific users will be impacted. Please contact Greg Hutton if you were unable to export your resources before the user interface switched.

July - Preview Period

  • The new user interface will be linked from the library's website as well as this LibGuide for those users interested in previewing the new look before the launch in August: New-Look OCtopus

  • The upcoming changes will be shared with College Relations and advertised via library social media accounts

  • Questions, comments, or requests for assistance with the new interface can be directed to Digital Systems and Services librarian, Greg Hutton

August 12 - Go Live with New Interface

  • OCtopus search will be switched on and linked from the library site. The current version of the interface will no longer be accessible

  • Existing links will redirect to the new interface

  • Research guides and help materials will be updated during the course of the Fall semester once branding and options have been tested and finalized.

  • Employees and students may request personalized assistance with the new interface by contacting Digital Systems and Services Librarian, Greg Hutton

Highlights of New Features

Copy/paste URLs from Location bar

  • Users will no longer be required to hunt for permalinks in OCtopus results, as URLs are now persistent and can be copied and pasted into citations or bookmarked in user's dashboards.

"Sticky" search filters

  • Filters applied to a results page will persist when modifying search terms. Users can select New Search to clear all filters

Concept Map

  • EBSCO is introducing the Concept Map as an opportunity for users to further explore their topics

My Dashboard

  • Personal EBSCO accounts can be created to save articles, create projects, and set user preferences

Known Issues

Custom folders (myEBSCO account holders)

  • If you have created custom folders in your myEBSCO account, these will NOT migrate
  • Items saved to the general "My folder" will migrate
  • Please contact Greg Hutton if you had resources or searches saved in Custom Folders

Library account not currently connected

  • Users can place holds in the new user interface, however holds and checkouts are currently not displaying properly in the new user interface. EBSCO is actively working on a solution.

Bulk export of citations and PDFs 

  • Currently, you cannot email citations + PDFs (when available) for multiple records
    • you can, however, email yourself a record of multiple sources and links to access them later OR export citation information into a citation manager such as Zotero or Mendeley
  • Look for bulk export options in Fall 2024

Emailing citations

  • Previously, when emailing articles you could choose to include a citation. With the new interface, you must save or export the citation separately.

No Print Book limiter

  • Use the Source Type or Catalogue Only filters

Advanced search reverts to Basic on results list

  • Settings are adjusted to start on the Advanced search screen (multiple search boxes with specific field limiter options) but after performing a search, this reverts back to Basic search (one search box with no field limiter options).
  • EBSCO is aware of this problem and is working to resolve it

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