Go to Content > Guides click + Create Guide above the list of all guides.
OR > Home and scroll down to the LibGuides Shortcuts box, then click Create Guide.
If you use the Start Fresh option you will get a blank guide formatted in OC's standard template. There will be no content in the guide when it is created.
If you use the Copy content/layout from an existing guide option:
Keep in mind that copying a guide creates duplicates of every element of the guide which can cause a maintenance burden.
Course Guide: start with the course code and number, then add relevant other information (generally in largest to smallest order)
ENGL 100
ENGL 100: Introductory English
ENGL 100: Penticton, Sally Smith
Topic Guides: the topic in the briefest plain English required.
Seed Library
Census 2020
Raspberry Pi
Program-Level Guides: Spell out the name in plain English as it is in the calendar. If there is another word essential for findability add it after the program name.
English for AACP
Citation Guides: the name of the citation style or a brief description of the content.
APA for Business
Enter a brief description of guide content.
Course Guide: guides for specific courses
Subject Guide: guides for specific programs/departments (displays as Guides by Program in some menus)
General Purpose Guide: citation and plagiarism guides (displays as Citation Guides)
Topic Guide: for topics that do not fit into one of the above (can be tagged to display in lists for a program)
Internal Guide: for limited access
Template Guide: for templates to reuse for later guides
Create a friendly url that will be easier to read. Similar to guide names these should follow the naming conventions. Use an underscore to create a space between elements for easier human reading. Try to make friendly URLs as short as possible while still unique
Course Guide metadata largest to smallest: year before term, campus before instructor. Use course codes instead of full names.
Program-Level Guides: Spell out the name in plain English as it is in the calendar.
Topic Guides: as brief as possible to be clear
Citation Guides: as brief as possible to be clear
Click the button - your new guide displays.
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If you wish to comment on an individual page, please contact that page's author.
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