Steps to add a new blank page | Steps to reuse existing pages by map or copy |
Click the + tab at the end of your page tabs and add:
Click the + button to add a page then:
Note Mapped pages:Changes in the original page will update any "mapped" version of that page. |
Convert an existing Page into a Sub-Page (or vice versa)
Steps to add a new box | Steps to reuse existing boxes by map or copy |
There are 5 different Box types you can choose from. Think critically about what you'd like the overall page layout to be and what type of box is most conducive to the information you are trying to convey.
Steps to add a new asset | Steps to reuse existing assets |
Note: Items added at the guide level will automatically appear in your Assets library. This does not apply to: rich text, polls, guide lists, or Google searches. Those items can be added to guides, but won't be listed in your Assets library. |
Similar to Page and Box, you can reuse content items in LibGuides by "Map" or "Copy." To reuse an asset, you will:
Assets are the actual content of your guides. Depending on the content type, some assets are included in the Assets library (Content>Assets) where they can be centrally managed.
Content items in the Assets library | Content items that are not in the Assets library |
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