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LibGuides Best Practices

A LibGuide about LibGuides

Adding Pages

***Wherever possible reuse existing content***

Steps to add a new blank page Steps to reuse existing pages by map or copy


Click the + tab at the end of your page tabs and add:

  • the page name
  • description (optional)
  • Position: set as a top-level page or sub-page
  • click Save


Click the + button to add a page then:

  • choose the Reuse Existing Page tab.
  • Select the Guide that contains the page you wish to reuse, and then select the page.
  • Page Name: Keep the same page name or change it.
  • Position: Add this page as a top-level or subpage.
  • Copy: Check the box to copy the page rather than link to the original. Leave the box unchecked to create a mapped page.


Mapped pages:Changes in the original page will update any "mapped" version of that page.


Convert an existing Page into a Sub-Page (or vice versa)

  • Click on PAGE menu
  • then click Reorder/Move Page.
  • Click on the name of the page you want to move and
  • drag / drop it into the box for the page you want it to appear under
  • Click Save

Adding Boxes

Steps to add a new box Steps to reuse existing boxes by map or copy
  1. Click Add Box, in the column where you would like to add it.
  2. Give it a name, choose the type, and select its position in the column.
  3. Floating box option: this option will hide the box title, borders and padding on the public side. When this option is checked, a life ring icon () will show up in the box header. Use the Preview button to check out the public view. 
  4. Draft mode option: if your guide is published, but you're not ready to share this box with the public, checked the Draft Mode option to keep the box only be visible in edit mode.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Click Add Box; then choose the Reuse Existing Box tab.
  2. Select the Guide that contains the Box you wish to reuse, and then select the Box.
  3. Box Name: If you're mapping this box to the original, you won't be able to change the box title. 
  4. Position: Decide where your box should appear.
  5. Copy: Check the box to copy the box rather than link to the original. You will be able to make changes to this version of the box. Leave the box unchecked to create a mapped box.

There are 5 different Box types you can choose from. Think critically about what you'd like the overall page layout to be and what type of box is most conducive to the information you are trying to convey.

  •     Standard Box: this box will likely be your most-used box. Click the  Add / Reorder button to add various types of content and reorder content within the box.
  •     Gallery Box: create a box of rotating images.
  •     Tabbed Box: use a tabbed box to include multiple tabs of content in a single box.
  •     Profile Box: this box lets you add any user profile in your system to any page. Click the icon in the box's header to change the profile being displayed.
  •     Top/Bottom Box: only if you are using tabbed navigation template, you get a top and a bottom box. These boxes span all columns, no matter how many you have displayed on the page.

Adding Links and Other Assets

Steps to add a new asset Steps to reuse existing assets
  1. Click the Add / Reorder button within the box.
  2. Choose the asset type you want to add.
  3. Enter the necessary information for that asset
  4. Click Save.

Note: Items added at the guide level will automatically appear in your Assets library. This does not apply to: rich text, polls, guide lists, or Google searches. Those items can be added to guides, but won't be listed in your Assets library.


Similar to Page and Box, you can reuse content items in LibGuides by "Map" or "Copy." To reuse an asset, you will:

  1. Click the Add / Reorder button and then choose your asset type.
  2. Choose the Reuse Existing ... tab. (Note: It's not possible to reuse the rich text, polls, guide lists, or Google searches).
  3. Search the asset by typing in its title in the search box. For example, type "Ask a Librarian" if you wish to reuse the chat widget.  
  4. Copy: please leave the box unchecked to create a mapped item. Check the box will copy the asset rather than mapped to the original. The copied item will appear as a separate asset in the Assets library. Your copied asset won't be updated if any changes were made to the original.
  5. Click Save.

Reordering Assets

  1. ​Click the Add / Reorder button; then choose Reorder from the dropdown list.
  2. Drag and drop the box's content items to their new locations. 
  3. Click Done Reordering.

Assets are the actual content of your guides. Depending on the content type, some assets are included in the Assets library (Content>Assets) where they can be centrally managed.

Content items in the Assets library Content items that are not in the Assets library
  • Links
  • Database links (under A-Z Database List tab)
  • RSS feeds
  • Documents / Files
  • Books
  • Media / Widgets
  • Rich Text / HTML
  • Polls
  • Guide Lists
  • Google Searches

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If you wish to comment on an individual page, please contact that page's author.
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