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OC Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility in Libraries (IDEAL)

This guide outlines the Okanagan College IDEAL mission, EDIA-goals, and recommended EDIA-related resources.


The purpose of the Library Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Committee (“the Committee”) is to acknowledge, address, and disrupt the ongoing and historical role the Okanagan College library has played in upholding systems of oppression against IBPOC*, 2SLGBTQIA+**, and other marginalized groups. The committee will liaise with the Library Accessibility committee and support the library in working towards equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice (EDISJ) in its processes, services, interactions, and collections.  


*IBPOC = “Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour” (IBPOC Artistic Practices


** 2SLGBTQIA+ =  “Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer (or Questioning), Intersex, Asexual (or sometimes Ally). The placement of Two Spirit (2S) first is to recognize that Indigenous people are the first peoples of this land and their understanding of gender and sexuality precedes colonization. The ‘+’ is for all the new and growing ways we become aware of sexual orientations and gender diversity” (Equity and Inclusion Glossary of Terms, UBC). 


The membership of the Committee shall include: 

  • The librarian responsible for EDISJ  

  • At least two students 

  • At least two employees from Library Services (one of whom will serve as The Chair and one of whom will serve as The Incoming Chair), at least one of whom is a librarian and at least one of whom is a support staff 

  • At least one employee from the Success Centres 

  • The committee will not normally exceed eight members in total  

  • All members will be recruited on a volunteer basis 

The Committee’s membership term length shall be as follows:  

  • The Chair shall serve a one-year term  

  • The Incoming Chair shall serve a one-year term preceding a term to be served as The Chair  

  • The students shall serve a one-year term, which may be renewed for one additional year 

  • The normal term length for all other Committee members shall be two years, which may be renewed for one additional year 

  • The Committee will make accommodations if exceptional circumstances prevent members from serving a full term 


The Committee shall meet at least four (4) times each year. Meetings will typically be held online, and additional meetings may be held as deemed necessary. The Chair may invite the Director of Library Services or other members of the OC community to participate in meetings as resource people.  

Voting at Meetings

The Committee will come to agreement by consensus regarding their recommendations to the LMC. 

Duties and Responsibilities

The Committee’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to:  

  • At least once annually, reviewing and revising the Library EDISJ Goals  

  • Leading Library Services in the accomplishment of the agreed upon Library EDISJ Goals  

  • Continuously examining the library’s organizational culture and creating strategies to eliminate inequities and reduce barriers to inclusion  

  • Developing an EDISJ vision, mission, strategy, and impact statement 

  • Recommending procedures to recruit and effectively retain diverse library employees 

  • Identifying EDISJ professional development and training opportunities for all employees  


The Committee will report its discussions to the Library Management Committee (LMC) by providing minutes of meetings to the Library Director. 


The Committee will provide student members with an honorarium after each semester.  


The Terms of Reference for this Committee will be reviewed by the Committee at least once every three years and changes will be forwarded to the LMC for approval. 

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