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WET 201 - Groundwater Information Network

Topic LibGuide for WET 201 Hydrology on how to use the Groundwater Information Network Website to access groundwater information in Canada.

Why Have Canada's Groundwater Reservoirs Not Been Talked About More?

The "Abundance Mentality"

We Have Surface Water Virtually Everywhere!

Canada as mapped using only its rivers, streams & lakes


Groundwater Canada's Least Understood But Most Important Resource.

The oil and gas reservoirs in this country are better understood than the groundwater reservoirs, as you all know.

- Karen Brown, Assistant Deputy Minister, Environment Canada.



Canadian Framework for Collaboration on Groundwater

The Canadian Framework for Collaboration on Groundwater was the result of joint work carried out by a large number of organizations represented by a national ad hoc committee.

It was an initiative of the Geological Survey of Canada (Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada) based on recommendations from the First National Workshop on Groundwater that was held in 2000 in Québec.

The National Ad Hoc Committee on Groundwater was formed to develop a vision, an action plan, and a mechanism to promote, communicate, and implement the framework for collaboration.

The draft framework was discussed by a broad range of stakeholders from all levels of government, academia, and the private sector in a Second National Workshop on Groundwater held in Calgary in 2001. 

That Workshop produced this document. It details activities and provides information on the development of the Framework, including doing an inventory of the groundwater resources of Canada, sharing information, generating national databases on groundwater that are designed to be easily accessible, and filling in the gaps in groundwater knowledge identified in the two national workshops.

The recommendations in this document articulate the long-term vision and mission to fill gaps in the knowledge of the country's groundwater resources. The Framework recognizes and strongly emphasizes the need to address the groundwater issues of Canada through close cooperation between federal, provincial, territorial, municipal, and First Nation governments.

Canadian framework for collaboration on groundwater


Scientists Are Trying to Close the Knowledge Gap - Canada's Groundwater Resources

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