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History 220-011 History of Space Exploration

This LibGuide is designed to assist students enrolled in HIST 220 in completing their research for their course assignments.

Kelowna Reference Desk April 27 - May 12

From April 27th through May 12 there is no scheduled reference desk service.

Please contact: 

Gilbert Bede, MLIS

Okanagan College Library Services - Kelowna Campus

Room L101E

1000 KLO Road

Kelowna, BC, V1Y 4X8


Work Telephone: 250-762-5445 ext. 4751


Use AskUS

AskUS is the OC Library's e-mail reference service. Make sure to fill in all the required fields. And remember to include a detailed description of the type of information that you would like assistance with.

Reference Desk Schedule May 13 - june 28

Reference desk service from May 13 through June 28 is an on call service offered Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM 3:00 PM.

Approach the OC Library Circulation Services counter and ask them to call the librarian who is on duty. 

Refernece Desk Service July 2 - August 30

Reference desk service from July 2 through August 21 is an on call service offered Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM 3:00 PM.

Approach the OC Library Circulation Services counter and ask them to call the librarian who is on duty. 

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