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PNSG - Pharmacology and Drug Information

This research guide is designed to aid OC Practical Nursing students in identifying and accessing the resources available through the OC Library or recommended by their instructors on medication information .

Searching for Drug Monographs Using CPS Full Access

CPS Full Access 

There are two methods to access drug monographs. Note CPS documentation can differ from Health Canada Product Monographs. This is due to CPS's editorial policy. 

A. Search by drug name or keyword by:

  1. On  the top ribbon of the CPS web page, click on the menu arrow for Drugs/Conditions  

  2. Select Drug Monographs from the Drop Down Menu 

  3. Use the CPS Search function to search by drug name or keyword in the drug monograph. Multiple documents may appear for a drug if there is more than one manufacturer

  4. Browse the list of Drug Monographs - You have to know the drug's real name. For example, the generic name tarcolimus which is typically provided to patients on prescription document and containers is really named PROGRAF. 

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