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ENGL 153 Studies in Narrative

Troubleshooting broken links in OCtopus

On occasion, you may find that the link to an article you want to access is broken. In the event the "Access Full Text" OR "Access PDF" link takes you to an error page, please try the steps outlined below.


  • Make note of the Source information, highlighted above in yellow. You will need to know the name of the source, as well as its date of publication.
  • In a new browser window, navigate to OCtopus' e-Journal finder, available here. (Alternatively, you can select the "E-Journals & More" menu option at the top of the page.)
  • Enter the name of the Source journal in the e-Journal search box. For this example, the Source is "Studies in Canadian Literature"

  • Your e-Journal search results will list all of the databases that offer full-text access to your Source, along with the range of coverage dates. Choose one of the full-text access options that includes the year in which your article was published.


  • After selecting a Full-Text option that includes the year your article was published, you can navigate to the specific issue of the journal that contains the article you want to access. In most cases, a PDF or HTML link should then be accessible.

Troubleshooting e-resource access can take some detective work. If you experience any difficulties accessing an online resource, please contact your Subject Librarian!

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