"Here are the steps suggested by your professor to follow for the 'Term paper outline and annotated bibliography' assignment:
Step 1 - Decide the social movement you are going to focus on. Develop your keywords/search terms and search strategy.
Step 2 - Find the five high-quality academic sources you are going to use that will cover: the origins, context, conditions of the social movement, the actions taken to bring about change, the social work profession's involvement in the movement (include reference to the profession's Code of Ethics), and changes, if any, that happened because of the social movement. Use the Library's OCtopus search engine, input the keywords/search terms you have developed, and then select the peer-review limiter or resource type on the left.
Step 3 - Read the five sources
Step 4 - Summarize and critique the five sources
Step 5 - Write the term paper - see the structure below.
Step 6 - Begin writing the 'Term paper outline and annotated bibliography' assignment with your draft thesis statement, which is one sentence:. (Your chosen social movement) led to / is leading to (specific changes) thanks to (the specific role of social workers involved in this movement).
Then write your outline:
Source 1: Peer reviewed academic journal article. Use the Library's OCtopus search engine, input the keywords/search terms you have developed, and then select the peer-review limiter on the left.
Paragraph 1: Summary of the article, the main points, the content.
Paragraph 2: State the relevance of this article to the social movement you are researching. Assess/critique the article, identifying its strengths and weaknesses.
Do the same for the other sources below.
Focus on a social movement in any country in the English-speaking world that has an established social work profession with a Code of Ethics, since one of the parts of the assignment is to find out about the social work profession's involvement in the social movement, linking the profession's efforts to the (Canadian or insert country) Association of Social Work's Code of Ethics. You can use more than one country for this assignment, but I strongly encourage you to use one country, to make it easier on yourself. You must choose one country to focus on when it comes to the involvement of the social work profession and the country’s Code of Ethics."
If you know what you're looking for, you'll be better able to recognize it when you've found your answer. Defining your information need helps you know where to start looking. What information do you already have on the subject? What facts or background information do you already know? Do you want general or specific information about the subject? How much information do you want? A single fact? A paragraph? An entire book? What types of information do you want? What information sources (databases, library catalogs, encyclopedias, the Internet) will help you find the information you need?
Keywords are the most important words for the research portion of your assignment. These are the main words that you will use when describing the information you need to find in the library and on the Internet.
For example:
You can think of different keywords for each of these topics, some will be more specific and some more broad. This is important because people who write about these ideas may use different words to talk about the same ideas. See below for some ideas to get you started.
Use this example to help you think of different keywords for your topic. These example topics are related to contemporary social issues:
Refer to a search engine, thesaurus, or even Wikipedia for ideas on synonyms
Use keywords to find reliable sources. Evaluate all sources according to the information in this guide.
To research each of term paper elements required for your social issue, add: AND rights OR movement AND ("social justice" OR "social change" OR "social action") AND "social work"
* is the truncation symbol, it searches for variations of your term. For example: run* will return: run, running, runner, runners
" " around more than one word will search it as a phrase. For example "mental health"
AND - Use the word AND when you want to combine search terms (this will reduce the number of items found). For example: physical fitness AND students will find articles that discuss physical fitness and students.
OR - Use the word OR when you are searching for a topic that may have different names (this will expand the number of items found).For example: physical fitness OR exercise OR physical education will find articles with any of these words.
NOT - Use the word NOT when you want to exclude certain terms from your results. For example: qualitative NOT mixed methods will find articles that talk about qualitative research but exclude any that are mixed methods.
The provided topics for this assignment are quite broad: searching for each in OCtopus returns a lot of results. It may be useful to narrow your topic to something more manageable. Some ways you can do that are:
You might find that a narrowed topic you decide on does not have enough written on it; you may have to alter your topic as a result.
Pre-set tags or descriptors assigned to resources/items to describe their content, or what they are about. Enables more precise searching.Similar to # used with Social Media.
Find a relevant source and then use citations to locate more related sources. Examine the bibliography, reference list and footnotes for sources used by the author. Use OCtopus or the e-journal finder to find your articles.
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