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Access to Practical Nursing (APN) & Practical Nursing Research Guide

Library Course Guided Used for Practical Nursing Library Instruction 2024.


Your assignment will require you to answer a research question

How does _____ contribute to _____?  Or, is there an association between ____ and  ____? (Is there an association between exercise and surgery recovery time? Is there a relationship between social media and narcissism?  Can community programs be used to reduce depression amongst teens?)

How you choose to answer your research question is up to you, but your response to the question should be backed by research that shows evidence to support or oppose the views being expressed.

Take keywords from your research question and formulate a search. Join ideas with AND to create a complete search:


"mental health"


"culturally competent care" OR "cultural safety"



"patient education"

COPD OR "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease"

elder* OR senior OR geriatric



"patient outcomes"


"care homes" OR "nursing homes" OR "long term care"

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