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Access to Practical Nursing (APN) & Practical Nursing LibGuide 2025


Based on the author's acknowledgement, writing, style, etc., does the information source appear to be created using Gen-AI? If you suspect that Gen-AI was used, thoroughly review the article, fact check the article and all citations. 

In an editorial by Dr. Hussam Alkaissi and Dr. Samy McFarlane to the peer-reviewed journal Cureus, they identified several instances of Gen-AI hallucinations. For example, when tasked to provide information on homocystinuria-associated osteoporosis and, on a separate occasion, late-onset Pompe disease, the Gen-AI provided a thorough paper with several citations with PubMed IDs. However, after fact-checking, it was found that the provided paper titles were fabricated and the PubMed IDs were associated with other papers.

Is the dataset that the research is based on available to other users?

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