When was the census held?
May 2016
What is a census?
"A census is an official count of the citizens who live in a particular country. It is used to get an accurate picture of a country's size and the characteristics of the people who live there."
Statistics Canada. (n.d.). The Canadian Encyclopedia.
What information is collected in Canada's census?
The census counts everyone living in Canada as well as "Canadian citizens and landed immigrants who are temporarily outside Canada on Census Day." Additionally, "the census gathers information on the socio-economic characteristics of the population."
Statistics Canada. (2009). 2006 census collection.
How is the data collected?
The mandatory long-form census was reinstated in 2016, after being replaced by the voluntary National Household Survey in 2011.
The short form Census was sent to 100% of households. "For the census long-form, a random sample of 1 in 4 private dwellings in Canada is selected systematically. The sample size was determined to ensure the dissemination of reliable estimates for small areas and small populations."
Census of Population- Detailed information for 2016
Census information takes time to collect and disseminate. Data release dates begin in February 2017. See below for release dates.