Database of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Investment and Capital Stock Trends: Canada vs United States by The Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS)Publication Date: 2013
List of Charts
Chart 1: The Canada-US ICT Gap, 2011
Chart 2: ICT Investment per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada, current U.S. dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 3: ICT Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada, current U.S. dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 4: ICT Investment as a Share of Total Investment in the Business Sector in Canada, current dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 5: ICT Investment as a Share of GDP in the Business Sector in Canada, current dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 6: Total ICT Investment Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 7: Computer ITC Investment Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 8: Communications ITC Investment Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 9: Software ITC Investment Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 10: Total ICT Capital Stock Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 11: Computer ITC Capital Stock Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 12: Communications ITC Capital Stock Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011
Chart 13: Software ITC Capital Stock Per Worker by Industry in Canada and the United States, current U.S. dollars, 2011 Chart 14: Total ICT Investment as a Share of Total Investment by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2011
Chart 15: Computer ITC Investment as a Share of Total Investment by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2011
Chart 16: Communications ITC Investment as a Share of Total Investment by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2011
Chart 17: Software ITC Investment as a Share of Total Investment by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2011
Chart 18: Total ICT Investment as a Share of GDP by Industry in Canada and the United States, 2006
Chart 19: Computer ITC Investment as a Share of GDP by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2006
Chart 20: Communications ITC Investment as a Share of GDP by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2006
Chart 21: Software ITC Investment as a Share of GDP by Industry in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 2006
Chart 22: Shares of ICT Investment in Non-residential Fixed Capital Formation in Selected OECD countries at the total economy level, 2004
Chart 23: Non-residential Structures investment and Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada, current U.S. dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 24: Machinery and Equipment Investment and Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada, current U.S. dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 25: Non-residential Investment and Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada, current U.S. dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 26: Non-residential Structures investment in the Business Sector as a Share of Business Sector GDP and Total Investment, current dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 27: Machinery and Equipment investment in the Business Sector as a Share of Business Sector GDP and Total Investment in Canada, current dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 28: Non-residential Investment in the Business Sector as a Share of Business Sector GDP in Canada, current dollars, as a proportion of the United States, 1987-2011
Chart 29: ICT and its Components Average Annual Deflator Growth in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States , 1987-2011, per cent
List of Summary Tables : Canada VS. the United States
Summary Table 1: Total ICT Investment per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 1987-2011
Summary Table 2: Computer ICT Investment per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 1987-2011
Summary Table 3: Communications ICT Investment per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 1987-2011
Summary Table 4: Software Investment per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 1987-2011
Summary Table 5: Total ICT Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, current dollars, 1987-2011
Summary Table 6: Computer ICT Capital Stock per Worker in the Business Sector in Canada and the United States, curr