A scholarly journal (also called academic journals, scientific journals, or peer reviewed journals) is a periodical that publishes articles written by experts in a particular field of study. Journals are similar magazines except the articles are written by researchers. Journals and magazines are considered periodicals because they are published continuously over time. The articles are written for experts or students of the field, and use academic or technical language. "Peer-reviewed (also called refereed) journals have an editorial board of subject experts who review and evaluate submitted articles before accepting them for publication. A journal may be a scholarly journal but not a peer-reviewed journal." [1]
Databases provide access to articles that are unavailable on the open Internet. Article databases contain both popular & scholarly articles, and they are used to find journal, magazine and newspaper articles. Although they deliver content online, the content is paid for through library subscriptions. Some databases only include descriptions (citations and/or abstracts) of articles with "Where can I get this?" links, whereas other databases contain links to the full text of the article.
Strategies for finding articles in the Library:
TIP: When you find a journal article that is relevant to your research/writing, check the reference list to find similar articles.
Research articles tend to have 6 or 7 parts, each part is normally labeled.
The open Internet only holds a small percentage of the information stored online. Using Library sources gives you access to private information, such as:
Advantages to searching within databases as a research strategy:
TIP: Searching databases with the keywords recommended in this research guide is a good starting strategy. However, be aware that some databases may use different terminology. When you find a relevant article, check the subject headings and article description for terminology that could be useful in a new keyword search.
Journals (Scholarly/Academic/Peer-Reviewed)
Magazines (Popular)
Professional, Trade, & Industry Magazines
Peer-reviewed publications contain articles that may not be peer-reviewed, as well as content that is peer-reviewed. Content in these journals may include:
OCtopus is the Library's search engine. It is similar to Google but requires more attention to your search terms, filters, and overall search strategy. Most of the content in OCtopus is considered 'academic' but results also include popular content such as articles from magazines and newspapers.
Consider using a tool like OCtopus, similar to how you would shop for something online. For example, if trying to buy a pair of pants from an online clothing store you might narrow your search to jeans, you might add the size, perhaps a particular colour of denim, whether they are a particular style or cut, etc. This will narrow your results to all the options that fit your need.
Browse these journals and professional magazines for current information in your field.
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