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BUAD 123 Management Principles

Know Your Sources

Depending on your research topic, you might make use of different types of sources. It is useful to understand their differences so you can choose appropriate ones for your research. Click on the picture below to learn more about your sources.

Source: Portland Community College Library

Scholarly, Popular or Trade

Scholarly, Popular or Trade

Many research papers require scholarly journal articles as sources. Do you know what they are and how to differentiate them from popular and trade magazine articles? Check out the comparison table below to learn more about the differences between scholarly, popular and trade publications.



Source: NSCU LibrariesSt. Cloud State University 


Scholarly vs Popular Sources by McMaster Libraries 

Peer Review in 3 Minutes by NCSU Libraries 

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluating sources is asking questions about your sources instead of taking them at face value. Here are some essential questions you should ask to determine if a source is credible and appropriate for your research topic.


Evaluating Sources for Credibility by NCSU Libraries 

Evaluating Websites by OSLIS Secondary 

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