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Adult Upgrading English 80 Winter 2024

Winter 2024 Library Course Guide for Adult Upgrading 80

Scholarly Communication

Scholarly communication refers to the different ways in which authors and creators of schollarly articles share information with "each other". As an added benefit this information is also often available to other people through through their library or on the Internet. 

Academic scholars and researchers often disagree on theories and interpretations of evidence. Always try and identify different points of view; critically analyze their research methods, if you have additional questions ask your professor or contacy your librarian.  What is important is that the article was produced using the Peer-Review process.

What is Peer-Review and Why is it Important to You.

A fundamental part of the 'Scholarly Communication' process is the publication of "peer-reviewed" articles in Journals.

Peer-Review is a process whereby an author's manuscript (research paper) is subjected to high degree of scrutiny by other recognized professional in the discipline, who are considered to be experts in that particular subject field. 

The process involves the "Peers" providing feedback to the author suggesting needed revisions, questions regarding the research methodology used by the author, clarification of information included in the manuscript, and identifying additional information that should be incorporated into the article. Part of the process involves making sure that the author has properly cited their information used in the manuscript using the prescribed citation style.

The role of the journal editor, editorial boards, and publishers is to manage and support this process.  Much of the heavy lifting is performed by unpaid academic scholars who act as the editors, members of editorial boards, and Peers (referees). 

Ultimately to you, as a reader, the peer review's greatest value is found in the "central pillar of trust" that the process imparts regarding the article's trustworthiness.

Once published the article is then subjected to the scrutiny of the readers of the article and any clarifications, concerns, or questions regarding the article can be directed author(s), Journal editor,  and /or publisher. This process can result at a minimum in corrections be made to the article or at a maximum the full retraction of the article.   

What Does a Peer-Reviewed Article Look Like

Peer-reviewed journal articles are shorter than books. They are written about very specific topics - often with a very narrow focus, on a single topic or issue.  One of the most valuable aspects of a peer-reviewed article is its works cited reference list at the end of the article.

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