Snowmobile - Mountain Caribou Interactions: Perceptions and Trends in Caribou DisplacementMountain Caribou and snowmobilers share much of the same terrain in late winter within the Interior Wet
Belt of east-central and southeastern British Columbia, northern Idaho and northeastern Washington. The
rarity of Mountain Caribou and the expansion in both numbers and capability of snowmobiles have raised
concerns that snowmobile activity may have negative effects on caribou, such as physiological impacts,
increased exposure to dangerous terrain, and displacement or range abandonment. This report examines
two types of information, with the goal of increasing our knowledge on the potential relationships
between snowmobiling and caribou. It (1) summarizes the observations of a sample of snowmobilers,
wildlife managers and others with experiences relevant to the topic, and (2) examines late-winter caribou
survey data in relation to mapping of snowmobile-use areas, to determine whether there has been any
decrease over time in the proportion of surveyed caribou groups occurring within snowmobiling areas.