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GEOG 129 Human Geography: Resources, Development and Society - Winter 2024

Library Subject Guide for GEOG 129 Winter 2024

Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

Official Community Plan

An important keyword phrase to learn for your 'development plan' assignment is 'Official Community Plan' (OCP). 

Economic Development Plan

Another important keyword phrase to learn for your 'development plan' assignment is 'economic development'.

Google Site Search

Learn to use the Google site search feature. Example: "economic development"

Make sure the word site is in lowercase letters. If you Site you get search results such as this.  


Because governments have shifted the dissemination of their official communications and information into the digital world. 

Learn to identify the Internet domains of websites and use the site search function to focus your search for information on those specific sites. 

Google does have an Advanced Search feature.

Google also has a search called Google Scholar which searches scholarly sources for information. 


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