This system is commonly used in the Social Sciences.
The Author-Date system uses parenthetical citations within the text of the document. These in-text citations include author's last name(s), year of publication, and the page number of the quotation or paraphrased content. The Reference List appears at the end of the document and includes all sources cited, listed in alphabetical order by author's last name.
For each category of example citation, we provide an in-text citation and Reference List version for the same source.
Author-Date References Quick Guide from the Chicago Manual of Style.
If there is NO DATE of publication use: n.d. in text and in the reference list. If there is no date and it's an online resource include the access date.
In-text citation:
(Singh n.d., 221)
Reference Citation:
Singh, Diya. n.d. "Where the Waters Flow." Saving our Planet. Accessed September 10, 2022.