Naughton, K., & Hosenball, M. (2000). Ford vs. Firestone. Newsweek, 136(12), 26–33.Top executives from motor company Ford and tire manufacturer Bridgestone/Firestone were summoned before a congressional panel to explain their roles in a safety crisis over tire shredding. Appearing before the panel, Masatoshi Ono, Bridgestone's chief executive, said he accepted “full and personal responsibility” for the recall of 6.5 million tires, found mainly on Ford Explorers. He added, however, that his company could not find a design effect that was causing tread to wear away at high speeds. In his testimony, Jacques Nasser, Ford's chief executive, blamed Firestone, saying his company did not know there were defects with the tires until it eventually secured the claims data from Firestone and analyzed it. The rapidly escalating safety crisis has already claimed the lives of 88 Americans.
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