2023 Winter Tire SurveyTRAC’s 2023 Canadian Consumer Winter Tire Study found that 76 per cent of Canadian drivers believe extreme weather events related to climate change have made winter tires more important than ever. The same number of drivers (76%) now use winter tires. Outside Quebec, where winter tires are mandated by law, winter tire usage stands at 71 per cent. The Study also shows that 81 per cent of winter tire owners believe driving a vehicle equipped with winter tires has saved them from being involved in a potentially hazardous driving situation such as loss of control or a collision; and another 83 per cent says they use winter tires in order to protect their family with the safety advantages of winter tires. Unfortunately, the high cost of living is affecting the utilization of winter tires, with 31% of motorists saying they are less likely to buy winter tires this winter season.